Friday, May 8, 2009

Welfare and Lies.

Hello all. I know it has been awhile but with finals and moving home I have not had to much time. Today will be a short one. My first argument today will be against Obama, of course. His brilliant mind has come up with the best idea! (for the easily swayed and people who have more of a heart than a brain). He believes that Unemployment money should go to people who lose there job, and decide to go to college instead of actually work. Now... I'm a college student... and I understand its expensive and sometimes people need to be educated to get a job, but what degree does CVS need to work there? or Burger King? get my point? Common why in the world should UNEMPLOYMENT just go to pay for someone to go to college. Unemployment is to pay for essentials to live on while someone finds a job. If someone can go to college off unemployment... then they can obviously pay for essentials since they don'tc need to unemployment to live. So what happened to the whole "work your butt off for what you really want to do" Its a dead philosophy. Its sad that at 19 I can seriously say "back in the day" Someone actually worked to get ahead in life instead of having other people who work hard pay for it! College, whether you like it or not, is a PRIVILEGE, NOT a RIGHT! Work your BUTT off to get the money you need to go to college and live, go to college at night to earn the degree you need! STOP ASKING GOVERNMENT( who by my last count is REALLY in debt... and I don't think they can REALLY afford it right now) FOR ALL OF THEIR MONEY FOR YOU TO BE LAZY. B.K. is always hiring, if you feel that you need the money so bad. Everyone has to do what they need to so they can live, unless your on welfare, then you can do jack crap and have the means to live.

Speaking of welfare.... get this load of crap....

"Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work." - Boston Herald.

So people who are poor get a car, AAA membership, and insurance for FREE! and if you read on... they get to keep it even if they end up back on welfare again... so they can be on welfare get a job... have the state give them all that for FREE!! and then they can quit their job after a week... and they have a free car. Again, repeatedly we find the welfare system rewarding stupid laziness instead of rewarding people who try. How about the widow who lost her husband and has held the same job for years with 3 children... why not give her a car... and if she losses her job... give her a couple months to get a new one.. OR TAKE IT BACK AND GIVE IT TO SOMEONE DESERVING!!! Laziness is running more and more rampant ( the biggest offenders of laziness as defined by my personal dictionary.. are the brains of our politicians who allow all of this and support it... no smarts or common sense)

BY THE WAY!!!! lets take a look at the LIAR portion of my blog today.... her name runs rampant through the hearts and minds of all people... as they bend over the toilet and puke every time they look at her face... yes today it is NANCY PELOSI!!!! Surprised? me neither. a headline today reads... CIA says Nancy Pelosi was briefed about the "enhanced interrogation method" I believe it was last week she said she had ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE AND SHE WAS OUTRAGED BY THE USE OF ENHANCED INTERROGATION METHODS. No one is surprised that she lied. I mean really anyone with her ideas in politics really has nothing good going for them but lying their way out of any situation. Is anyone else sick of her? She is really is just a nasty person. Can anyone say IMPEACHMENT. I mean really when people didn't like anything that President Bush said they immediately wanted to impeach him. Why shouldn't we as open minded and smart people be asking for the hanging of her like they asked of Bush? We are better then that and don't want to play the dirty politics? Trust me according to the media we are playing dirty politics we really should just live up to our title and start it. As the Liberals showed this past election being complete and pompous idiots during an election, wins them.

Nancy Pelosi LYING!


Free Cars for Poor


Unemployment and Obama ( not the best story I could currently find but its one of them to outline the silliness that is Obama's brain)


1 comment:

  1. Alex,

    We obviously reside on different sides of the political spectrum in a lot of respects, but I’ve enjoyed reading your blog so far and hope you keep it going. I hope you also don’t mind some healthy debate. I agree that people should work hard to get what they want/need in life, but we disagree in a couple other ways:

    1) The idea of offering unemployed people job training and assistance to get jobs that aren’t at BK seems like a reasonable and proactive idea to me. If we’re talking long term economic benefit, educating people is a huge factor in that. The average salary of a person with a Bachelor’s Degree is nearly twice that of a high school graduate ( For what the government would pay for public school (what, an average of around $4,000 a year?), they’re going to get an extraordinary amount of spending power put back into the economy within a couple years of that person graduating. An educated workforce is a wealthier workforce is a happier workforce, which makes them a spending workforce. That makes monetary sense to me.

    2) Of course there should still be concern about mounting costs, but if this could be done reasonably, then it makes a whole lot of sense to be training our unemployed workforce to do skilled labor. The truth about a good deal of un-skilled jobs in our modern economy is that they DON’T pay the bills. 40 hours a week on a fast food wage would just barely cover my rent, leaving me with no money for other essentials (water, heat, food, etc). Nevermind if I have to raise a kid or take care of my brothers and sisters or whatever other life situation arises. So I’m just gonna forget going to college on that wage, because I actually have to work 70 hours a week to survive. I worked about 50 hours a week for most of the time I went to college to make ends meet and I’ll tell you what, nobody should be forced to live that way. Again, good education means good jobs means people actually wanting to work.

    3) BK is NOT always hiring depending on where you’re talking about. Where I work (South Bronx), the levels of unemployment are so ridiculously high and the average education level of the population are so incredibly low in some areas, that yeah, fast food jobs are in very high demand. When one quarter of the rest of the population ( is also unemployed and less than half (!!!) of the population has a high school degree , those low paying jobs suddenly become a very hot commodity. And they still don’t pay the bills, just make it so people can be slightly less miserable.

    4) There’s a balance between thinking with one’s heart and one’s brain. Should the welfare and unemployment systems be reevaluated and reformed to curb abuse? Absolutely. But they do serve as a huge benefit to a lot of people who otherwise would sink. The car story is a perfect example. 80% of the people in that program don’t end up back on welfare, so the program would appear to be largely a success which will give those families a stepping stone to eventually get off of state aid. For the fairly meager investment the state is putting in (about $6,000 per person), the return seems pretty good. But you’re absolutely right, that still leaves 20% waste that the state should curb, with repossessing the cars after a certain amount of time being unemployed being the obvious solution there.
    Anyway, that’s just some food for thought and a good way for me to spend a bit of time on a cloudy and gross Saturday morning. Thanks for your time and enjoy =)

