Wednesday, April 8, 2009

AIG Scum Bags? I think the label is on the wrong party...

Alrighty my fellow blog readers, as this is a start-up blog I will be writing more often than I will once my ADD kicks in and I become bored with it. As for now, I will write about something that most people in the entire world seem to be talking, and angry, about. I am of course talking about those darn AIG executives who just took all of our tax payer money and ran off with it! Darn them for only making $1 to work throughout the year and then get a contractual bonus that they were promised! DARN THEM TO HECK! In case you couldn't tell I am being quite the sarcastic one right now. These executives only made $1 to work at the company and were promised bonuses in their contracts which had to be payed according to our oh so wonderful leaders stimulus package. This was specifically put in by a most wonderful man named Christopher Dodd. He was the one pushing for the stimulus bill to include the fact that all existing contracts MUST be carried out by the company. so hey! AIG did that. Who was the first one asking for the heads of the AIG executives? CHRIS DODD!! He then continued to lie to the public saying at first he didn't want that in there... then he was covering the names of other people involved from the Treasury Dept. We then learn that the biggest contributor to his campaign... AIG! "the receipt of more than $100,000 in campaign donations" - Over $100,000 in contributions? No wonder he felt so strongly to put in the clause that got the AIG execs. their big paychecks (although they made $165,001 which doesn't even classify them as "Rich" according to Obamas definition) Unlike our gracious senators in congress do for the AIG execs... we wont be literally asking for the death of Chris Dodd... but we should be asking for his resignation! He lied, cheated, and scapegoated to much for us to trust him as a leader.
*INCOMING ALERT* Hey by the way... did anyone here know that there's a company called Fannie Mae that is 100% under government control... hey look at!! BIG BONUSES TO BE PAID TO FANNIE MAE EXECUTIVES!! only these bonuses are bigger then the ones to be paid to the AIG executives. Ranging from $470,000 to $611,000 respectively. Why is there no media coverage of this? Why isn't Chris Dodd and congress asking for them to kill themselves because they should be ashamed? The reason is because they are under government control 100%. The only people to blame are the people in government! The only reason these AIG execs are being targeted is to take away our attention from what is really going on in government!
hey look!! Microsoft is even getting money to build a bridge between their 2 offices which they should fund themselves!! How does that constitute "stimulus?" I don't know... but hey only 11% of the "Stimulus package" was actually going to be used on "stimulus" so why SHOULDN'T Microsoft get my paycheck, right?

Thats all for now folks, keep tuning in.. NEXT ISSUE: Attacks on Obama, if im not killed by a hit squad or deemed racist and hung up on a cross for saying I dont like the policies of a half black guy.

- Mouschi

Chris Dodd and AIG bonuses:

Frannie mae Execs getting bonuses:

Microsoft building bridge with Stim money:

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