Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I would like to start this post off by a comment left on I felt it pretty much explains a lot of what is going on in this country and what has become of it. I could not have really put this better. I basically believe that under the puppeteer Obama, that both political parties have orchestrated the progressive and more socialist movement. Kind of taking away our freedoms and expanding the government power. Most Republicans are to weak and to afraid to stick their heads out like politicians should when they disagree with something. Our founding fathers would be ashamed of how we and the politicians who oppose, let this country fall, fail, and ultimately be put back together by the completely wrong guy, and in a near socialist way. It's time we tell Obama to get his filthy hands out of our private company pockets! Tell him Free enterprise is not dead. Free Enterprise is not for Tsar Obama to take away. It is in our constitution and our constitution needs to be looked at by Obama, we need to have him explain to us where in the constitution he has the power to do 80% of the things he is doing.

"I'm a 39 y/o basic kind of guy with a great wife and two kids, a love for God and for country, with absolutely no apologies for any of it.

I grew up in a time when America made sense - even on the East coast. The good guys told the truth. The bad guys went to jail. Welfare was a stigma that nobody wanted because we could do it ourselves, thank you very much. In the America I knew, we wanted freedom more than we did handouts. America knew that hard work yielded payoffs that could be measured in more than just cash. That America exuded hope, and resonated with a legitimate, well-founded pride. We paid as we went, and if that meant we didn't do as much, that was OK, because we understood we were governed by the laws of reality. For crying out loud, even the top 40 rock songs were happy and optimistic.

This modern America scares me. I now live in an America where precious little makes sense...

..where the only cure for the sin of spending what we didn't have -- as advocated by our leaders -- is to spend more of what we don't have?

I don't understand how our Senators and Congressional leaders can pass the largest spending package ever known to man without reading it.

I don't get how legitimate journalists allow media outlets to brazenly support one political party's candidates and agendas, NOT in the opinion sections, but in the 'news' portions of their columns and broadcasts. The press is supposed to permanently be the "opposition party" to the government's power and excess. That is its explicit function. What has happened here?

Supreme Court Justices and potential candidates for that post look to other countries' laws for judicial review rather than solely the US Constitution, and they increasingly encroach upon the powers specifically enumerated to the other branches of government, as well as to the states, in the United States Constitution. How is this allowed to happen? Does Congress not fight because they desire an oligarchy?

How can lawful contracts be broken by executive fiat? How can property be redistributed from lawful owners to a 'chosen class' for no better reason than their political party fealty? Moreover, how is this done seemingly without due process, or without much recourse for the aggrieved (outsider) party?

How can hired thugs be paid with taxpayer (my) money to descend upon and harass earners and producers who negotiated their contracts in good faith and in perfect keeping with the laws of the United States of America?

How can companies be bailed out because they are 'too big to fail' or go bankrupt, only to be allowed later to go through bankruptcy after all, when the original bailout money is unrecoverable to the taxpayer?

Why are 'experts' who repeatedly failed to prevent or even predict dire consequences from the insane over-spending of the past now being held up as infallible oracles who are the only hope in knowing the best economic course for the future? Why do they still hold 'expert' status? Why should we listen to (and implicitly obey) their recommendations?

Why can't a terrorist detainee camp in Guantanimo Bay simply be rebranded as "under new management" and the existing staff cycled out instead of spending taxpayer dollars to move terrorist, suspected terrorists, and 'people of interest' INTO the United States proper?

How, in America, can the radio airwaves -- a medium of communication owned by the people -- be subject to restrictions on freedom of speech, when the type of speech to be curtailed is explicitly the type of speech - political - that most ardently was defended as needing to be kept free by this nation's founders? How does this not reek of party apparatchiks? and Pravda?

Why is class warfare being waged between Americans, and sponsored by the political parties? Everyone makes more than someone? Focusing on this creates a death-spiral that nobody wins except our enemies. Is love for party that much greater than love for country in this new America?

These are but a few of my unanswered questions. But all of these point to my main and ultimate question: How do I get my country back? The answer is with you, I hope.
Be well. May God bless you, and may God bless and heal this hurting land."

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