Friday, September 18, 2009

*NEW POSTS COMING SOON!!* Sorry I've been working and all this summer and now that I'm finally settled down in college and have a CRAZY liberal teacher (more on her later) I will be on here a bit more, I will also start to organize the IUP campus. Politicians in Western PA must tremble, our collective voices will dismember them!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I would like to start this post off by a comment left on I felt it pretty much explains a lot of what is going on in this country and what has become of it. I could not have really put this better. I basically believe that under the puppeteer Obama, that both political parties have orchestrated the progressive and more socialist movement. Kind of taking away our freedoms and expanding the government power. Most Republicans are to weak and to afraid to stick their heads out like politicians should when they disagree with something. Our founding fathers would be ashamed of how we and the politicians who oppose, let this country fall, fail, and ultimately be put back together by the completely wrong guy, and in a near socialist way. It's time we tell Obama to get his filthy hands out of our private company pockets! Tell him Free enterprise is not dead. Free Enterprise is not for Tsar Obama to take away. It is in our constitution and our constitution needs to be looked at by Obama, we need to have him explain to us where in the constitution he has the power to do 80% of the things he is doing.

"I'm a 39 y/o basic kind of guy with a great wife and two kids, a love for God and for country, with absolutely no apologies for any of it.

I grew up in a time when America made sense - even on the East coast. The good guys told the truth. The bad guys went to jail. Welfare was a stigma that nobody wanted because we could do it ourselves, thank you very much. In the America I knew, we wanted freedom more than we did handouts. America knew that hard work yielded payoffs that could be measured in more than just cash. That America exuded hope, and resonated with a legitimate, well-founded pride. We paid as we went, and if that meant we didn't do as much, that was OK, because we understood we were governed by the laws of reality. For crying out loud, even the top 40 rock songs were happy and optimistic.

This modern America scares me. I now live in an America where precious little makes sense...

..where the only cure for the sin of spending what we didn't have -- as advocated by our leaders -- is to spend more of what we don't have?

I don't understand how our Senators and Congressional leaders can pass the largest spending package ever known to man without reading it.

I don't get how legitimate journalists allow media outlets to brazenly support one political party's candidates and agendas, NOT in the opinion sections, but in the 'news' portions of their columns and broadcasts. The press is supposed to permanently be the "opposition party" to the government's power and excess. That is its explicit function. What has happened here?

Supreme Court Justices and potential candidates for that post look to other countries' laws for judicial review rather than solely the US Constitution, and they increasingly encroach upon the powers specifically enumerated to the other branches of government, as well as to the states, in the United States Constitution. How is this allowed to happen? Does Congress not fight because they desire an oligarchy?

How can lawful contracts be broken by executive fiat? How can property be redistributed from lawful owners to a 'chosen class' for no better reason than their political party fealty? Moreover, how is this done seemingly without due process, or without much recourse for the aggrieved (outsider) party?

How can hired thugs be paid with taxpayer (my) money to descend upon and harass earners and producers who negotiated their contracts in good faith and in perfect keeping with the laws of the United States of America?

How can companies be bailed out because they are 'too big to fail' or go bankrupt, only to be allowed later to go through bankruptcy after all, when the original bailout money is unrecoverable to the taxpayer?

Why are 'experts' who repeatedly failed to prevent or even predict dire consequences from the insane over-spending of the past now being held up as infallible oracles who are the only hope in knowing the best economic course for the future? Why do they still hold 'expert' status? Why should we listen to (and implicitly obey) their recommendations?

Why can't a terrorist detainee camp in Guantanimo Bay simply be rebranded as "under new management" and the existing staff cycled out instead of spending taxpayer dollars to move terrorist, suspected terrorists, and 'people of interest' INTO the United States proper?

How, in America, can the radio airwaves -- a medium of communication owned by the people -- be subject to restrictions on freedom of speech, when the type of speech to be curtailed is explicitly the type of speech - political - that most ardently was defended as needing to be kept free by this nation's founders? How does this not reek of party apparatchiks? and Pravda?

Why is class warfare being waged between Americans, and sponsored by the political parties? Everyone makes more than someone? Focusing on this creates a death-spiral that nobody wins except our enemies. Is love for party that much greater than love for country in this new America?

These are but a few of my unanswered questions. But all of these point to my main and ultimate question: How do I get my country back? The answer is with you, I hope.
Be well. May God bless you, and may God bless and heal this hurting land."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Welfare and Lies.

Hello all. I know it has been awhile but with finals and moving home I have not had to much time. Today will be a short one. My first argument today will be against Obama, of course. His brilliant mind has come up with the best idea! (for the easily swayed and people who have more of a heart than a brain). He believes that Unemployment money should go to people who lose there job, and decide to go to college instead of actually work. Now... I'm a college student... and I understand its expensive and sometimes people need to be educated to get a job, but what degree does CVS need to work there? or Burger King? get my point? Common why in the world should UNEMPLOYMENT just go to pay for someone to go to college. Unemployment is to pay for essentials to live on while someone finds a job. If someone can go to college off unemployment... then they can obviously pay for essentials since they don'tc need to unemployment to live. So what happened to the whole "work your butt off for what you really want to do" Its a dead philosophy. Its sad that at 19 I can seriously say "back in the day" Someone actually worked to get ahead in life instead of having other people who work hard pay for it! College, whether you like it or not, is a PRIVILEGE, NOT a RIGHT! Work your BUTT off to get the money you need to go to college and live, go to college at night to earn the degree you need! STOP ASKING GOVERNMENT( who by my last count is REALLY in debt... and I don't think they can REALLY afford it right now) FOR ALL OF THEIR MONEY FOR YOU TO BE LAZY. B.K. is always hiring, if you feel that you need the money so bad. Everyone has to do what they need to so they can live, unless your on welfare, then you can do jack crap and have the means to live.

Speaking of welfare.... get this load of crap....

"Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work." - Boston Herald.

So people who are poor get a car, AAA membership, and insurance for FREE! and if you read on... they get to keep it even if they end up back on welfare again... so they can be on welfare get a job... have the state give them all that for FREE!! and then they can quit their job after a week... and they have a free car. Again, repeatedly we find the welfare system rewarding stupid laziness instead of rewarding people who try. How about the widow who lost her husband and has held the same job for years with 3 children... why not give her a car... and if she losses her job... give her a couple months to get a new one.. OR TAKE IT BACK AND GIVE IT TO SOMEONE DESERVING!!! Laziness is running more and more rampant ( the biggest offenders of laziness as defined by my personal dictionary.. are the brains of our politicians who allow all of this and support it... no smarts or common sense)

BY THE WAY!!!! lets take a look at the LIAR portion of my blog today.... her name runs rampant through the hearts and minds of all people... as they bend over the toilet and puke every time they look at her face... yes today it is NANCY PELOSI!!!! Surprised? me neither. a headline today reads... CIA says Nancy Pelosi was briefed about the "enhanced interrogation method" I believe it was last week she said she had ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE AND SHE WAS OUTRAGED BY THE USE OF ENHANCED INTERROGATION METHODS. No one is surprised that she lied. I mean really anyone with her ideas in politics really has nothing good going for them but lying their way out of any situation. Is anyone else sick of her? She is really is just a nasty person. Can anyone say IMPEACHMENT. I mean really when people didn't like anything that President Bush said they immediately wanted to impeach him. Why shouldn't we as open minded and smart people be asking for the hanging of her like they asked of Bush? We are better then that and don't want to play the dirty politics? Trust me according to the media we are playing dirty politics we really should just live up to our title and start it. As the Liberals showed this past election being complete and pompous idiots during an election, wins them.

Nancy Pelosi LYING!


Free Cars for Poor


Unemployment and Obama ( not the best story I could currently find but its one of them to outline the silliness that is Obama's brain)


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

AIG Scum Bags? I think the label is on the wrong party...

Alrighty my fellow blog readers, as this is a start-up blog I will be writing more often than I will once my ADD kicks in and I become bored with it. As for now, I will write about something that most people in the entire world seem to be talking, and angry, about. I am of course talking about those darn AIG executives who just took all of our tax payer money and ran off with it! Darn them for only making $1 to work throughout the year and then get a contractual bonus that they were promised! DARN THEM TO HECK! In case you couldn't tell I am being quite the sarcastic one right now. These executives only made $1 to work at the company and were promised bonuses in their contracts which had to be payed according to our oh so wonderful leaders stimulus package. This was specifically put in by a most wonderful man named Christopher Dodd. He was the one pushing for the stimulus bill to include the fact that all existing contracts MUST be carried out by the company. so hey! AIG did that. Who was the first one asking for the heads of the AIG executives? CHRIS DODD!! He then continued to lie to the public saying at first he didn't want that in there... then he was covering the names of other people involved from the Treasury Dept. We then learn that the biggest contributor to his campaign... AIG! "the receipt of more than $100,000 in campaign donations" - Over $100,000 in contributions? No wonder he felt so strongly to put in the clause that got the AIG execs. their big paychecks (although they made $165,001 which doesn't even classify them as "Rich" according to Obamas definition) Unlike our gracious senators in congress do for the AIG execs... we wont be literally asking for the death of Chris Dodd... but we should be asking for his resignation! He lied, cheated, and scapegoated to much for us to trust him as a leader.
*INCOMING ALERT* Hey by the way... did anyone here know that there's a company called Fannie Mae that is 100% under government control... hey look at!! BIG BONUSES TO BE PAID TO FANNIE MAE EXECUTIVES!! only these bonuses are bigger then the ones to be paid to the AIG executives. Ranging from $470,000 to $611,000 respectively. Why is there no media coverage of this? Why isn't Chris Dodd and congress asking for them to kill themselves because they should be ashamed? The reason is because they are under government control 100%. The only people to blame are the people in government! The only reason these AIG execs are being targeted is to take away our attention from what is really going on in government!
hey look!! Microsoft is even getting money to build a bridge between their 2 offices which they should fund themselves!! How does that constitute "stimulus?" I don't know... but hey only 11% of the "Stimulus package" was actually going to be used on "stimulus" so why SHOULDN'T Microsoft get my paycheck, right?

Thats all for now folks, keep tuning in.. NEXT ISSUE: Attacks on Obama, if im not killed by a hit squad or deemed racist and hung up on a cross for saying I dont like the policies of a half black guy.

- Mouschi

Chris Dodd and AIG bonuses:

Frannie mae Execs getting bonuses:

Microsoft building bridge with Stim money:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hey, this will be my new blog. For all the conservative readers out there I will at least once a week hopefully put up all of my thoughts based off of the news of the week. Which will pretty much be obtained through Glenn Beck, any regular tv or website media source AKA, or through Mike Huckabee"s website I will be using other various sources which I will quote throughout, be prepared to be informed to the non-liberal media controlled blogging of Mouschi! (although if a little bill called the "Fairness Doctrine" passes who knows what wouldnt be liberal controlled.) I believe that the Fairness Doctrine should just be called the Unfairness Doctrine. What this doctrine curtails is that for all views posed on the radio and the internet, and those two sources alone, then the opposing view must be presented. Therefor for the media outlets not controlled by the liberal media they have to give the liberal view! What has happened in America? When did freedom of speech become a freedom that can only be enjoyed by the Liberals and their "liberal attack machine" (aka the New York Times and basically every newspaper and tv news station on the planet) except FOX News, which the left calls way to "conservative" even though an independent study shows they are the "most fair and balanced" news agency. Unlike the Liberal controlled CNN, MSNBC, and CBSnews, who all just make up stories to get attention anyways. Again, what has our country come to? Our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves right now. My job with this blog that I have started, will be to present the FACTS of the world, not the biased liberal views that are shoved down our throats. I hope to achieve with this blog, a place for people to go, a beacon of truth as some like to say, in this uncertain world where conservatism is just not allowed by society. The day we have let our conservatism to become a taboo is a day we need to take action, and fight back against the power that has our backs against the wall, hand to our throats. The animal always fights hardest when it is backed into a corner by its prey, this right now is a time where we are bets fight back with the brains and the integrity that the federal government in my view is lacking right now.

Fox News as most fair and balanced was from the Electionnewswatch Project conducted by George Mason University.